Email Listserv
The email list server for is run by a postfix server hosted at Access to this system is requires an SSH key and the source IP added to the firewall rules and to tcp_wrappers.
Once that happens, you access it via SSH:
$ ssh
/etc/postfix/ has:
virtual_alias_domains =
relay_recipient_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_recipients
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
After updating one of the *_maps files, run postmap <map_file> then restart postfix. Finally, check in the updated text files to SVN.
For example, to add an email alias, do:
$ cd /etc/postfix
$ vi virtual # map the new OSN alias to a local alias, e.g.:
# osn-help
$ postmap virtual # update virtual.db
$ vi relay_recipients # allow relay for the OSN alias, e.g.:
# x
$ postmap relay_recipients # update relay_recipients.db
$ vi /etc/aliases # add a line for the local alias, e.g.:
# osn-help:,
$ newaliases # update the alias database
$ systemctl restart postfix # restart the postfix server
$ svn commit <modified file list>